Dive Dry with Dr. Bill

Subscription Rates, Terms and Conditions

Subscriptions to "Dive Dry with Dr. Bill" are based on a six-month period. Subscribers receive a CD-ROM with text for 26-28 individual weekly columns and 1-2 color images for each column. Text is provided in both Microsoft Word and ASCII text (TXT) formats. Images are provided in JPEG format and are 720x480 pixels.

Subscription rates are based on your publication's circulation (see table below). Subscribers are entitled to one time use rights and may print each column and the accompamying image(s) once during the subscription period. Copyright on the text and images remains with Dr. Bill Bushing.

Because the column is provided in digital format, it is easily incorporated into web pages. Internet use fees are also based on your publication's circulation. If you wish rights for Internet use only, the rates are the same as for print publication. If published on both the web and in print, subscription rates for Internet use are an additional 50% of the print subscription rate. Use on your newspaper's Internet site is contingent on posting a copyright notice protecting the author's rights.

< 10,000 $ 1,250 < $50.00
10,000 - 49,999 $ 1,750 < $70.00
50,000 - 99,999 $ 2,500 < $100.00
100,000 - 249,999 $ 3,250 $125.00
250,000 - 499,999 $ 3,750 < $150.00
500,000 or above $ 5,000 < $200.00

This document maintained by Dr. Bill Bushing.
Material © 2003 Star Thrower Educational Multimedia