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Dive Dry with Dr. Bill
Weekly Newspaper Column

Dr. Bill Bushing writes a weekly newspaper column titled "Dive
Dry with Dr. Bill." This column uses a humorous style to
present topics in marine ecology, conservation and natural
history. Each column includes a full-color digital image
illustrating that week's subject.
Although specific audiences include SCUBA divers, free divers
and fishers, the articles are also written to better inform the
general public about our regional marine world including the kelp
forests of southern California. Jacques Cousteau often said people
protect what they love, and love what they know. Although divers
have the most intimate acquaintance with our underwater world, it
is important that all citizens, especially those living near our
magnificent coastline, have some familiarity with its unique
residents and their interactions, so they will be more informed
about the need to protect them.
Passage of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) in California
requires that a series of scientifically designed marine protected
areas (MPA's) be established in California waters. This is to
ensure relatively intact ecosystems are available for scientific
research, education, and non-consumptive use. In addition these
reserves fulfill an important role in providing stock to replenish
surrounding areas where fishing and other consumptive uses occur,
and fish or invertebrate stocks may be depleted.
Newspapers may subscribe to this column in a quartterly,
semi-annual or annual basis. Subscription
rates are based on readership, but are priced at attractive
levels to help ensure a broader distribution. Please contact Dr.
Bill for further information.
In the following list, the columns are presented
Click on the following link to see each column:
- Garibaldi
- Sheephead
- Nudibranchs
- Black
Sea Bass
- Cleaning
- Sea
- Halfmoon
- Octopus
- Moray
- Bat
- San
Miguel Island
- Abalone
- Flatfish
- Spiny
- Senorita
- Giant
- Cormorants
- Shovelnose
- Cup
- Harbor
- The
- Elkhorn
- The
Sea of Cortez Revisited, Part I
- The
Sea of Cortez Revisited, Part II
- Black
- Giant
- Isla
Santa Catalina, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Triggerfish
- California
Sea Lion
- Sex
in the Underwater World
- Cabezon
- Navanax
- Gray
- Sheep
- Electric
- Soupfin
- Invasive
- Plankton
- Marine
Life Protection Act (MLPA) and MPA's
- Gorgonians
or Soft Corals
- Great
White Shark
- Variable
- Biogeography
- Marine
- Scythe
- Food
Chains and Webs
- Kelp
or Calico Bass
- The
Eco-Evolutionary Spiral
- Fried-Egg
- Healthy
Seafood Choices
- Blacksmith
- Beach
Bunnies (Sea Hares)
- Opaleye
- Flying
- Cruising
for a Bruising?
- Murphy's
- Ornate
- Why
I'm Not Against Fishing
- My
Hypothesis on Poor Vis and Great Whites
- Mola
- Complacency
Can Kill
- Blue
- Talcott
Shoals, Santa Rosa Island
- Munching
and Mating Part I: Bat Rays Feeding
- Munching
and Mating Part II: Giant Kelpfish Mating
- Pacific
Electric or Torpedo Ray
- Ctenophores
or Comb Jellies
- The
Lion Nudibranch: In the Jungle... the Lion Sleeps
- Humpback
Whales- Songsters of the Sea
- Rock
- Feather
Feet- Barnacles
- Crown-of-Thorns
Starfish (Baja)
- Balloonfish
- Poor
- Where's
the Lettuce?: Temperate and Tropical Food Chains
- Ocean
- Chitons
- Bottlenose
- What's
in a Name?
- Kellet
- Sperm
- Cerianthid
- Common
- Giant
Keyhole Limpet
- Belize
Me- Hawksbill Turtles
- The
Boxer- Banded Coral Shrimp
- In
Stunning Black-and-White: The Spotted Drum
- The
Flying Gurnards
- Sea
- Cities
Under the Sea
- Ecological
- Phoronids
- Owl
- Why
- First
the Tide Rushes In
- Gary
Baldi Does "It" Again
- Underwater
- Purple-striped
- Blind
as a Bat... Ray
- Carnage
at the Casino: Kelp Bass hit Jack Mackerel
- A
Solution to Abalone Poaching
- Leopard
- Mating
Sheep Crabs
- Horn
- Pacific
- Shifting
- Jack
- Marine
- Divin'
with Hurricane Ivan
- Scallop
Stumps Scripps Scientists
Construction Zone (Octopus Digging)
- Wreck
of the Pisces
- Grass
- Guadalupe
- Leafy
- Myxicola
or Coca Cola?
- Urchin
- Paper
- Baby
- Cerianthid
- Great
white shark diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 1
- Great
white shark diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 2
- Great
white shark diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 3
- Feathers
That Sting, not Tickle- Feather Hydroids
- What
a "Swell" Shark
- Plumes
and Blooms (Phytoplankton in Winter)
- Round
- Winged
Pearl Oyster... Invasive, or Not?
- Warty
Sea Cucumber (Namako: Do You Prefer it Raw or Pickled?)
- The
Boring Treefish
- An
Angel of a Shark
- A
Little Disturbed, Are We? (ecological disturbance)
- 'Tis
the Season... Not (Christmas tree worms)
- Got
the Itch? Scratch It! (giant kelpfish parasites)
- At
Loggerheads... Not!
- Turn
my World Upside Down... or Downside Up!
- You
Think Your Sex Life is Strange?
- Goliath
- A
Nervous Wreck: Wrecks of SE Florida
- A
Shrimp of an Abalone
- Zebra
- Irrefutable
Proof Marine "Reserves" Work
- Northern
Elephant Seals
- Run,
Grunion, Run!
- Are
You Re-Certifiable?
- Blue
Banded Goby: Not Quite Red, White and Blue
- Why
"Dive Dry with Dr. Bill?"
- An
"African Safari" Here at Home (Zebra Perch)
- Good
Dives with Good Relations
- But
It's So Dark Down There!
- 60
Feet Under (Not 6 Feet!)
- Cwazy
Wabbits (Black Sea Hares)
- Black
Croaker: Out to Make an Impression!
- Please
Don't Harrass the (Black Sea) Bass!
- Butterfly
(Fish) are Free
- Barracuda
- An
Underwater Arts Festival (Sea Fan Grotto)
- Yellowtail...
- Up
in a Cloud of "Smoke" (Rock Wrasse Mating Swarm)
- Written
in Stone (Yellowtail Point)
- A
Jelly "Fish" by any Other Name (Chrysaora colorata)
- "School"
is Back in Session (bonito)
- Other
Intelligent Life on Planet Earth (Sea Lions)
- What
are You doing Here (brittle star Ophiopsilla californica)
- The
PEN is Mightier than the SWORD (white sea pen)
- Orange
Puffball Sponge
- Why
Red and Brown vs. Green Algae?
- Mantis
- A
Fragile Rainbow (Starfish)
- 'Tis
the Season of the (Bat) Star!
- Charles
Frederick Holder
- Not
Your Lucy Liu Ling (Cod)
- Calimari
Concupiscence, Part I
- Calimari
Concupiscence, Part II
- Return
of the "Big Head" (Cabezon)
- High
Density Development in Avalon [Bryozoa]
- A
Wet T-Shirt, Jacqueline Bisset and The Deep [Deep Diving]
- Valentine's
Day Roses I Can Afford [Rose Anemone]
- Farnworth
Bank and the Purple Hydrocoral
- The
Red Spotted Starfish
- The
Windmill Worm
- The
Sand Star
- Soft
Bottoms and Purple Olives
- Shooting
Sea Lions In(to) a Barrel (Oil and the Marine Environment)
- The
Moon Snail
- Littorina
- Dive
Your Plan
- What
Turns You On (Orangethroat Pikeblenny)?
- The
"Frayed Rope" Siphonophore (Apolemia)
- The
Crevice Sea Cucumber
- Something
in the Way She Moved (Mating Bat Rays)
- Just
a Few Dollars More (Sand Dollars)
- Gopher
- The
Slender or Graceful Crab
- Hey
Sluggo... Dr. Bill Here! (California Sea Slug)
- Bald
Eagle... Almost a Turkey!
- A
Courting We Wil Go... Crazy (Orangethroat Pikeblennies)
- Xantus'
Swimming Crabs
- A
Pipe(fish) Dream
- Mating
Can Be Deadly
- Nothing
Could be Fina' Than Tylodina fungina
- Rosy
the Rockfish
- The
Shortspined Combfish
- Float
Like a Butterfly(fish)!
- As
the Abalone Turns
- Bat
Star Courtship
- Eight
Arms to Hold You (Octopus Mating)
- Look
Who's Munching Now (Yellowtail)
- Take
Only Pictures
- Bacteria
- Like
a Rainbow... Scorpionfish
- The
Blues... Part One
- The
Blues... Part Two
- Chestnut
- Holy
Mackerel, Batman... Fish Farts
- "Deadly"
- Something
"Hot" from the Cold Depths [Chilipepper]
- In
Hot Water
- An
Asian Beauty... Not! [Sargassum filicinum]
- Daughter
of the Wind, Part I (Cousteau's Alcyone)
- Daughter
of the Wind, Part II (Cousteau's Alcyone)
- Coffee
Beans... But Not from Starbucks (Solander's trivia)
- Cormorants:
Birds That Swim, Fish That Fly
- Brachiopods:
Lampshells That "Light" the Deep
- Flatworms:
Fencing Fools
- Mating
Mantis Shrimp May Get Munched
- Take
a Lick... of Kelp or Ice Cream! [Green Abalone]
- Tyrannosaurus
Morayensis! [Moray Eeel]
- Mate
Selection [Octopus Mating]
- Munching
NOT Mating- Shark Attack! [Sheep Crab Feeding]
- Crab
Cocktail... without the Sauce [Octopus Eating Crab]
- Now
That's Using Your Noodle! [Sea Cucumber Eviscerating]
- Slate
Pencil Urchin
- Draining
the Dive Park to Save Avalon
- Striped
Shore Crabs
- Spaghetti
Worms... A Sticky Subject!
- Thornback
Ray... A Day of Firsts!
- It
Starts at the Top [Killing Sharks]
- Descended
from Urchins [Purple Sea Urchin DNA]
- Have
a Heart... Urchin
- Southern
Kelp Crab
- Butterflyfish
- The
Horned Aeolid (Hermissanda crassicornis)
- Light
The Way... Please
- Jellies...
Without the Sting [Ctenophores]
- Keep
It Clean [Giant Sea Bass Cleaner Fish]
- Cousteau
on Catalina
- Just
for the Halibut [California Halibut]
- Sting
of the Scorpion(fish) [California or Spotted Scorpionfish]
- #250...
But Who's Counting? [Dives in La Jolla]
- The
Island Kelpfish
- The
Munchability of Mullineri [nudibranch Peltodoris mullineri]
- Shovelnose
- Must
be Your Relative! [Salp Cyclosalpa affinis]
- Shark
and Awe: The Shortfin Mako
- Not
at My Mom's Dinner Table! [Ocean Whitefish]
- Take
It to the Cleaners [Halfmoon Cleaning Mola mola]
- Up
the Bean Stalk... er, Kelp Stipe [Sheep Crabs]
- Homogenized?
No Thanks! [Invasive Species]
- If
They Can Do It... Why Can't We? [Deep Water Red Alga Maripelta
- Venice,
Florida... Quite a Mouthful! [Shark Tooth Diving]
- Acro-Bat
Star-ics [Bat Stars]
- Xenophobia
[Coralline Red Algae]
- Politically
Incorrect [Common Names]
- What
Constitutes a Predator?
- Weirdo
- That's
a Lot of Bull... Kelp [Nereocystis luetkeana]
- Just
Where is That Nudi Beach [Acanthodoris hudsoni and A.
- A
Snoozin' Seal [Harbor Seal]
- "Fly"
Me to the Moon... Jellies [Moon Jellies]
- A
Valentine's Pansy? [Sea Pansies]
- Mapping
- Salema
- Pilotfish
- Sargo
- Rainbow
- Wakame...
But In Its Place [Undaria Pinnatifida]
- The
Spiny Skinned Critters [Echinoderms]
- The
Sunflower Starfish
- The
"Sheepish" Crab
- The
Wavy Top Snail
- Oops...
Pardon Me [Male Sheep Crabs "Mating']
- Stop
Your Brooding... Not! [The Brooding Anemone]
- Warm
Water Wussies [Holothuria zacae]
- The
Sharks and the Bees
- In
the Market... for Squid!
- Beam
Me Up, Scottie... er, Karl [USC Recompression/Decompression
- The
Staghorn Bryozoan
- Nibbled
Nipples [The Aggregated Nipple Sponge]
- The
Rainbow Dendronotus [Dendronotus iris]
- A
Pretty "Cheeky" Fish [White Sea Bass]
- Narc'ed?
Gee, I Hope Not!
- Knobby
or Giant Spined Starfish
- Is
There an Urchin Doctor in the House [Black Urchin]?
- Anchors
Away [Anchor Damage to Reefs and the White Sea Cucumber]
- My
New Dive Buddy
- Gentle
Giants... Let Them Be [Goant Sea Bass]
- A
Barely Bloody Star [Blood Star]
- A
Not-So-Sheepish Sheephead
- Our
Meals... and Fish Meal
- Green
Turtles... in Hot Water
- Barred
Sand Bass... Barred from What?
- Tying
the Knot... Down Under [Underwater Wedding]
- SoCal
and Catalina MPA's, Part I
- SoCal
and Catalina MPA's, Part II
- Fried,
Scrambled or Poached? [Snail Eggs]
- Do's
and Don'ts in the Dive Park [Dive Park Etiquette]
- Nothing
Could be Finer than a Little Flabellina [Spanish shawl
- Jack
Frost... the Lacy Bryozoan
- Deep
- The
Noble (not Nobel) Dorid
- A
Commoner... The Kelp Snail
- You
Old Fossil! [Helicoplacus]
- Rhodoliths...
Riddle Solved!
- Dreaming
of Palm "Trees" and Sunny Beaches [Southern Sea Palm
- Chitons...
The Undersea Armadillos
- Sea
Gulls... Rats of the Sea
- Painted
Greenlings... Nature's Artists at Work
- Proving
We are "the Stuff"
- Have
You Spotted... the Spotted Kelpfish?
- A
Whale... of a Shark [Whale Sharks at the Georgia Aquarium]
- A
Giant... Among the Clinids [Giant Kelpfish]
- Don't
Be So Sarcastic... Fringehead!
- Turning
Vinegar Into Wine [Algal biofuels]
- One
Critter's Trash is Another Critter's Home
- The
Infidel's Ghastly Ghost Net
- A
Skeleton of a "Shrimp" [Caprellid Amphipods]
- Why
We Need Marine Reserves, Part I: Baselines
- Why
We Need Marine Reserves, Part II: Successes
- Why
We Need Marine Reserves, Part III: Design Criteria
- Dancing
in a Hula Skirt [The Hula Skirt Siphonophore, Physophora
- The
Sex Life of Gobies
- Scientific
Names Can Be Important [Epizoanthus giveni]
- How
Kelp Helped Win "The War"
- What
Good is Kelp Anyway [Products Made from Kelp]
- Giant
Kelp: A Worthy Subject for a Lifetime
- The
Mating Habits of Giant Kelp
- Sheephead
in the Skies
- The
- Boldly
Go Where... (The Roddenberry Dive Team)
- San
Miguel Island... Exotic, But Cold
- Working
on My Night Moves [Night Dive]
- An
"Egregious: Error [Egregia menziesii]
- The
Return of Gary Garibaldi
- (Sea)Weeds:
"Plants Out of Place" [Sargassum filicinum]
- A
Different Kind of "Jaws" {Humboldt squid]
- Wreck
Alley, Part I: A "Nervous" Wreck
- Wreck
Alley, Part II: Way Up North- The Yukon
- Diving
D'Yellow Boat
- Plankton,
Part 1: You'd Better Sweat The Small Stuff!
- Plankton
Part 2: Take Me Away to Where I'm Going [Meroplanktonic larvae]
- Carnage
at the Casino Redux [Kelp bass and morays hunting blacksmith]
- The
Barnacle Billy Buffet [Acorn Barnacles]
- In
the Dark About Mating [Polychaete Worms Spawning]
- "Bugs"
of a Different "Flavor" [Spiny Lobster]
- I
Can't Believe I Tried to Eat the Whole Thing [Kelp Bass Munching
on Blacksmith]
- Up
a Tree... Fish! [Treefish]
- A
Round and A Round and Another Round...
- The
Tragedy of the Common
- Sailor
"Home" from the Sea [Velella velella]
- Dive
Accidents and Speculation
- See
"Weeds..." But Not Much Else [Sargassum filicinum
and night diving]
- Blind
as Amore.... er, A Moray
- Salema:
Night and Day
- The
MLPA's "Integrated Preferred Alternative" Map
- It's
All in the Genes [DNA testing of fish]
- The
"Sargastic" Sargo
- The
"Catalina Blue Perch" [Halfmoon]
- Zebra...
Perch... Chub [Zebra Perch]
- Whale
Wars... and the Eating of Flesh
- The
Rubberlip Seaperch
- "Black
is Black..." But Not Usually [Black Perch]
- Walleye
the Bug-Eyed Surfperch
- A
Cormorant Convention
- A
Problem with the "Pterodactyls" [Brown Pelicans]
- 29th
Avalon Harbor Cleanup
- The
Spiny Sand Star
- Sea
- Die...
Die... Die, Evil Weed [Sargassum filicinum]
- Not
My Cup of Tea... Er, Soup [Whale Shark Finning]
- Black
Abalone... Going, Going, Gone!
- Spaghetti
Alga... But No Sauce? [Chaetomorpha spiralis]
- A
Perch I Could Take a Shine To [Shiner Surfperch]
- Devil
Weed Kills Even After Death [Sargassum horneri (=
- The
Cryptically Colored "Kelpie" [Kelp surfperch]
- The
"SCUBA Police" [ordinance closes the dive park]
- The
"SCUBA Prom" [Chamber Day and Evening]
- The
- Munched
Mola molas
- The
Pile Surfperch
- Starry,
Starry Day [Leather Star, Dermasterias imbricata]
- Our
Long Lost Relative [the Stalked Tunicate, Styela
- Copper
Clappers... and Rockfish
- Urchin
- Oil
Spills... Repeating the Past
- See...
Sea Lice [Parasitic Copepods on Giant Sea Bass]
- Soft
Coral or Sea Fans [Gorgonians]
- The
Worms Swim Up... The Worm,s Swim Down [Nereis vexillosa
- The
"Shadow" Knows [fish shadowing one another]
- The
Un-Whole Water Planet [Marine Issues]
- Your
True Colors, Gary [Garibaldi Nests]
- Cousteau
Family Camp
- Air
Octo [octopus "in flight"]
- Is
It a "Buoy" or a "Gull" [determining gender]
- Is
It a Seal... ion? [true seals and eared seals]
- "Leaping
Lobbies" [lobster season]
- Almost
Skunked (Giant sea bass at night)
- Truly
Diving Dry with Dr. Bill... and Deep! [Expedition Catalina]
- A
ROV'ing We Will Go [Expedition Catalina]
- Harbor
Seals and The Children's Pool
- What
Did ROV See?
- Don't
Bend, Fold, Staple or Mutilate [Early Computer Research]
- Finicky
Eaters and Food Webs
- The
Water Turkey [Anhinga]
- Mermaid
or Wo-Manatee [Manatees]
- The
Smile [The Universe as One]
- The
"Christmas Crab" [Southern Kelp Crab]
- A
Gift... But Not What I Hoped For [SoCal MPAs]
- My
Holiday Gift to You [Munching & Mating Cable TV Show]
- The
Big "Bad" Wolf... Eel
- Mating
Orgies... and Woes [Squid Run]
- Pistol
Shrimp: "Crack" Shots
- Fire
Bodies... in the Water??? [Pyrosoma atlanticum]
- Out
of the "Haze" [Dr. Eugenie Clark]
- Dinner
Delicacies... Off Menu [Tiger sharks eating terrestrial birds]
- The
Rodney Dangerfields of the Sea [Thatched Barnacles]
- Mmmm,
Mmmm... NOT Good! [California Assembly Bill 376 Banning Shark Fin
- Sargassum...
"OUT" In the Cold [Sargassum horneri]
- A
"Pea" in a "Pod" [Pea Crabs]
- Skeletons...
But Not In the Closet [Caprellid Amphipods]
- Catch
a Wave... Not! [Tsunamis]
- Pass
the "Plate" [Diving the Seven Continents]
- That's
a LOT of "Bull" [Northern Elephant Seal]
- Sharks
on the "Run" [Shark Migration]
- Zooxanthellae:
The Future of Solar?
- Down
on the Farm... Down Under [Aquaculture]
- Wireweed...
Do We Have to be so Sargasstic? [Sargassum muticum]
- The
Star Thrower
- The
Spotfin Croaker
- California
SCUBA Service Award (2011)
- What's
All The Squawk About? [Black Crowned Night Heron]
- Bat
Ray "Season"
- On
with the Show, Part I (Long Beach SCUBA Show)
- On
with the Show, Part II (Long Beach SCUBA Show)
- Say
a Little "Praya" for Me! [Siphonophores in the
genus Praya]
- Orgy...
At a Snail's Pace [Mating Kellet's Whelks]
- Hips
Ala Doris [the nudibranch Hypselodoris californiensis]
- Trekkers...
In Another Dimension [Sea Trek Monitoring]
- Gary...
and his Ladies [Garibaldi Mating]
- Death
by Domoic Acid?
- Hey...
Bird Brain [Pelicans and Cormorants Stealing Anglers' Fish]
- My
Date with Ellen! {Diving the Oil Rigs]
- WOW...
That's Some Owie! [Injured Giant Sea Bass]
- The
Wonder of a "Child" [Jean-Michel Cousteau and the
Cousteau Family Camp]
- The
Colorful Corynactid Corallimorphs [Strawberry "Anemones"]
- A
Terrible Tingle, not a Tickle [White feather hydroid, Plumularia]
- Drift
Away [Kelp Rafting as a Dispersal Agent]
- When
Is a Mackerel Not a Mackerel? [Jack Mackerel]
- Eggs...
Ceptional [Octopus Nest]
- Pacific
Sardine... Canned? Or in Pigs and Chicken?
- Pelt-o-Doris
[Peltodoris mullineri]
- Brittle
"Stars" [Ophiothrix spiculata]
- Pipefish:
A First (For Me) in the Dive Park
- Topsmelt
- It's
Shocking, It's Electrifying [Torpedo Ray]
- Just
How "Safe" is Your Money? [Safe in the Dive Park]
- Just
Fiddling Around, Crabby [Fiddler Crabs]
- See
Ya Later, Alligator
- The
Green... Heron
- When
Is a Sheepshead Not a Sheephead? [Florida Sheepshead, Archosargus
- Make
That a Big Mac... But Hold the Fries [Cattle Egret]
- The
Great (R)egret [Great Egret]
- Proud
as a Peacock
- Filming
the "Great White" [White Abalone]
- All
Munching, No Mating [The California Moray]
- 50
Years... And I Still Don't Have it Down Pat!
- Nature...
Kind? [Sea Lions and Mola mola]
- A
Courtin' We Will Go [Kelp Rockfish]
- Pacific
or California Barracuda
- Oscar:
Not One, But Four? [Male Sheephead]
- Invasion
of the Salps
- Kelp
- Baitfish
- Drugging
the Deep [Pharmaceuticals in the Ocean]
- The
REALLY Big Show [SCUBA SDhow 2012]
- Mother's
Day Magic [Octopus Mating]
- Toxic
Clouds in the Sea [Aplysia californica ink]
- Paddlers
Find Their Oar [Oarfish]
- Out
and About [Filming for Roger Martin]
- In
the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle [Navanax inermis]
- Hard
Science... Hard to Swallow for Some [Anti-Science Attitudes]
- A
Fish That's Almost Patriotic [Blue-Banded Goby]
- Gary
Does "The Wild Thing," Part I [Garibaldi Mating]
- A
S(t)inging Sensation! [Black Sea Nettle, Chrysaora achlyos]
- Gary
Does "The Wild Thing," Part II [Garibaldi Mating]
- Move
Over, Blanche... You've Got Company [Flying Fish]
- They
Take Their Chances... and Roll the Dice [Spawning Worms]
- Where
are They Today? In the Drink! [Diving with Former Students]
- Cousteau
Family Camp
- Are
The Stars Out Today [Baby Starfish]
- Making
the GSB TV Stars... in Japan [Giant Sea Bass]
- Pretty
"Babes" All in a Row [Baby Garibaldi]
- Bryozoa...
and the Proper Baseline [Bugula neritina]
- The
Bass Didn't Perform [Giant Sea Bass]
- Sea
- Some
"Exotics" Are Welcome (Whitetail Damsel)
- With
Spines... or Without Spines? [Astropecten]
- Prematurely
Bald [Bald Sea Urchin Disease]
- Never
Too Late? [Sargassum horneri Removal]
- Fish
- My
Cup Coral Runneth Over [Colonial Cup Coral]
- Spectacular
Night in the Park [Night Dive]
- Perch
Porn [[Kelp Surfperch and Black Perch Courtship]]
DAWG Days at Casino Point
- The
Valiant and Prohibition
- The
"Big Head" [Cabezon]
- The
Sulphur Sponge
- Follow
Your Bliss [Holothuria zacae]
- Fascinating
"Flounder" [Flatfish Evolution]
- Where
Have all the "Nudis" Gone? [Disappearing Nudibranchs]
- The
"Barn Door" Halibut [California Halibut]
- The
"Real" Halibut [Pacific Halibut]
- Yellowtail
Turned Tail?
- Blackbeard's:
A Pirate's Life for Me, Part 1
- The
Shark Whisperer [Stuart Cove Shark Adventure Dive]
- Blackbeard's:
A Pirate's Life for Me, Part 2
- A
Blue Hole
- Bahamas
Vice (Smuggler's Plane)
- New
King of the Reef [Red Lionfish]
- Not
All "Jellies" Sting
- Sea
Elephants and Butterflies [Heteropods and Pteropods]
- Dr.
Bill, P.I. [The Philippines]
- All
In One Basket [Basket Star]
- Epiphytes
- The
Good "Brother" [Sargassum palmeri]
- Sharks...
What, Me Worry?
- "Mucking"
It Up at Club O
- Marquee
Species and the "Commoners"
- Rhinopias
Rule [Weedy Scorpionfish, Philippines]
- Baffling
Biodiversity [Tropical Biodiversity]
- Ornate
Ghost Pipefish [Philippines]
- RIP:
Bob Meistrell, A Legend
- The
Cuddlefish... er, Cuttlefish
- (Almost)
Stranded in Sabang [Philippines]
- Turtle
- When
is a Horse Not a Horse? [Seahorses]
- Photo
Taxes... or Phototaxis
- Not
Too Flamboyant for My Taste [Flamboyant Cuttlefish]
- Munching
& Mating... But at the Same Time? [Southern Kelp Crab]
- The
Battle of the Beasts [Kelp Bass and Morays]
- I
Didn't Make the Rules [Kayaks in the Dive Park]
- DO
Feed the Animals
- Hunting
Lions in the Hood [Melibe leonina, the Lion Nudibranch]
- Love
or Live? [Ophioderma panamense Brittle Starts Spawning]
- Banded
Sea Krait
- What
Turns You On? {Light Sensitive Sea Cucumbers]
- They
Get So Crabby At Night {Black-Clawed Crab]
- A
Thorny Subject [Thornback "Rays"]
- Munching...
and Defending Your Life [Octopus and Southern Kelp Crab]
- I
Must be Color Blind! {Guadalupe cardinalfish]
- Eight
Arms to Hold (And Eat) You [Two Spot Octopus Capturing
- Too
Much Hoop-Te-Do [ Lobster and Hoop Nets]
- Wasting
Away [Sea Star Wasting Disease]
- Food
Fit for a... Beggar [Lobster]
- Little
Squidlies [Squid Eggs and Larvae]
- The
Chestnut Cowrie
- That's
a LOT of Bull [Northern Elephant Seals]
- A
White Christmas! [Mating Market Squid, Part I)
- Caught
in a Snow Storm [Mating Market Squid, Part II]
- Mating
[Mating Market Squid, Part III]
- Big
Head: The Man of the "House" {Cabezon Guarding Nest]
- Munching...
and being Munched [Mating Market Squid, Part IV]
- That's
a Lot of Blubber! [Northern Elephant Seals, Part I]
- Elephant
Seals: Back from the Brink [Northern Elephant Seals, Part II]
- Sea
- Got
Milk? Why, No! [Obtaining Calcium in the Ocean]
- Go
Your Own Way, I'll Go Mine [Northern Elephant Seals, Part III]
- Mating...
But No Munching [Northern Elephant Seals, Part IV]
- The
Other Kelp Crab [Northern Kelp Crab]
- "Bombs"
and Basses [Aging Giant Sea Bass]
- Blacksmith
Don't Get No Respect
- In
the Mood... for Valentine's Day
- Scorpionfish
- The
Easter Hare... Er, Bunny [California Sea Hare]
- A
Submarine "Selfie" [Two-spot Octopus and GoPro]
- A
Monster Muncher [Navanax inermis]
- A
Mother's Day Orgy [Kellet Whelk Mating]
- Invasion
of the Fire Salps [Pyrosoma atlanticum]
- Eight
Arms to Hold You [Octopus Mating]
- Driving
Me Batty! {Bat Ray Season]
- Keyhole
Currency [Giant Keyhole Limpet]
- Catalina's
Coral "Reefs' [Colonial Cup Coral]
- Dr.
Bill and the Argonauts [Paper Nautilus]
- Back
from Bonaire
- The
"Bass" are Back {Giant Sea Bass]
- The
Butter Hamlet's "Slippery" Sex
- Mating
and Munching of the Giant Escargot [Wavy Top Snail]
- The
Little "Stinkers..." er, Stingers
- Blow
Your Own Horn [Atlantic Trumpetfish]
- Cousteau
Family Camp, 2014
- By-the-Wind
Sailor Home from the Sea [Velella velella]
- Mating
is Dangerous... Just Say NO! [Kelp Bass Takes Spawning Worm]
- Abalone
Smoke During... Not After [Green Abalone Spawning]
- Such
Sensitive and Mysterious Critters [Light-Sensitive Sea Cucumber]
- Who
Needs the Tropics? [Guadalupe Cardinalfish]
- Another
Warm Water Critter in Our Midst [Bunodeopsis Anemone]
- Don't
Get Trigger Happy [Finescale Triggerfish]
- A
Sea Full of Jelly... "Fish" [Solmaris jellies]
- Ranzania
from Tasmania? Or Tanzania? [Slender Mola, Ranzania laevis]
- The
Rise and Fall of the Kelp Forest [Warm Water Episode]
- "Butterflies..."
But Not in My Tummy [Scythe Butterflyfish]
- A
Fish Went a Croaking... Er, Courting [Black Croaker]
- A
Real Example of Biodiversity
- The
"Big Head" Is Back [Cabezon and Nest]
- I
Want to Take You Higher [Kelp Crabs Mating in the Forest]
- Venus'
Girdle [Ctenophora]
- How
About a Little Perspective? [Scientific Disciplines]
- A
"White" Christmas... for a Naughty Boy [White Abalone]
- Billions
and Billions... Munched [Blacksmith and Plankton]
- No
Words Are Adequate {Memorial Tribute to Tim Mitchell and Bruce
- Silver
Streaks That Go Bump in the Night [Atlantic Tarpon]
- In
Winter a Fish's Fancy Turns To... [Giant Kelpfish Mating]
- Take
It to the Cleaners [Señorita Cleaning]
- Sargassum
Cascade, Part I
- Sargassum
Cascade, Part II
- Birds
That Swuim, Fish That Fly [Cormorants]
- We
"Trashed" Our Dive [2015 Avalon Harbor Underwater
- Red
Algae Do "It" Deeper [Algal Color]
- The
Deep... But Without Jacqueline Bisset [Deep Water Kelp]
- A
Thorny Topic [Thornback Rays]
- Hey,
Chubby! [Sea Chubs, Kyphosidae]
- S'Not
What You Think It Is [Yellow Sea Snot... Unidentified Snail Eggs]
- Float
Like a Feather, Sting Like a Bee [Feather Hydroids]
- Palau...
- Happy
Hookers [Palau]
- Palau
- Mayor
of Blue Corner [Napoleon Wrasse, Palau]
- Barry
Who? The Barramundi of Course [Palau]
- Feeling
Sheepish... or a Bit Crabby [Sheep Crab]?
- The
Invasion of the Tuna Crabs
Show 2015
- In
Memoriam: Packy Offield
- The
- Tuna
Crabs... A Closer Look
- The
Gentle Giants Return [Giant Sea Bass]
- Rarity:
Peltodoris mullineri
- The
Mutual Eating Society [Food Chains and Webs]
- Be
Not Afraid [Horn Shark]
- Lonely...
Again? [The Whitetail Gregory or Damsel]
- A
Sticky Subject: Sea Urchins [The White Urchin, Lytechinus
- Poisons
Make Bad Neighbors [Sargassum horneri Allelopathy]
- The
Kelpfish Kiddies [Giant Kelpfish]
- Mass
Murder in the Dive Park [Parazoanthus lucificum]
- The
Star Thrower
- Egypt
and The Big Red
- The
"Bedouin" Camp [Roots Luxury Camp]
- Stumped
by the Dragon Sea Moth
- A
Sea of Angels [Red Sea Angelfish]
- Bountiful
and Beautiful Butterflyfish [Red Sea]
- Making
Babies! [Fish Babies]
- Would
You Like Yours Black... or Green? [Green Turtle]
- Plain...
or Guadalupe [Cardinalfish]
- Eco-Catastrophe
Part One: The Algae
- Eco-Catastrophe
Part Two: The Herbivores
- Eco-Catastrophe
Part Three: The Predators
- Musically
Inclined? Not Me! [Reef Cornetfish]
- A
Star-Studded Event? [Star Studded Grouper]
- No
Starry Night [Starfish Wasting Disease]
- This
Really Bugs Me [Lobster]
- The
"Blue Button" [Porpita porpita]
- Shark
"Attack" [Horn Shark]
- A
Diet of Worms [Chaetopterus variopedatus]
- You
Old Fossil, You!
- Spawn
of Satan [Impact of Sargassum horneri on invertebrate
- Baitfish
Bye Bye?
- El
Niño... Yes and "No"
- See...
a Sea Horse!
- See
Another Sea Horse [Pacific Seahorse]
- Geezer
Gas [Nitrox]
- Vicious
Beasts [Nudibranch Predators]
- Why
Don't You Clam Up? [Piddock Clams]
- A
Very Boring Life [Rock Boring Piddock Clams]
- Diamonds
and Pearls [Winged Pearl Oyster]
- Drat
This Drought [Palau Drought]
- Crabby,
Crabby Night
- Night
and Day: You Are The "One" [Night Colors"]
- Death
by Starvation? [Dead Molluscs]
- Mistaken
Identity? [Leafy Hornmouth or Three-Winged Murex?]
- Signs
of Life [Kelp Meristems]
- Withering
Away [Abalone Withering Syndrome]
- Mussel
Beach [California Mussel]
- Don't
Take My Breath Away [Respiration]
Show 2016
- A
Great White Birthday (Great White Shark in the Dive Park)
- Maldives
in Monsoon
- The
Big Ones Are Back [Giant Sea Bass]
- Fish
- Clean
Up Your Act [Cleaning Behavior]
- The
Nesting Instinct [Garibaldi Nests]
- Benny
the Blenny Bites [Largemouth Blenny]
- Sink
Your Teeth Into This One [Round Stingray]
- It's
the Little Things in Life [Spirorbis tube worms]
- You
Missed Me... I Missed This
- A
Giant Among Kelpfish
- Leopards
Don't Scare Me... or You! [Leopard Sharks]
- King
Neptune's "Couch" Potatoes [Kelp Rockfish]
- We
Have Pavilions... But Not Vons [Doug Aitken Pavilions]
- A
Very Unusual Snipe Hunt [Longspine Snipefish]
- Disco
- Dreams
Can Come True, Part I [Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World]
- Dreams
Can Come True, Part II [Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World]
- The
Big Not-So-Bad Wolf [Wolf Eels]
- The
Barbed Wire "Jellyfish [Siphonophore Apolemia]
- The
Sharksucker Family [Remoras]
- The
Sailfin Tang
- Finding
Dory [Palette Surgeonfish]
- Marine
- Sweetlips
- The
Pavilions Ecosystem
- Avalon
Harbor Clean-up 2017
- The
Catalina Tile... fish [Ocean Whitefish]
- The
Pisces [wreck]
- Like
a Virgin... Dove for the Very First Time
- Longbone
Disease [Dysbaric Osteonecrosis]
- The
Black-Eyed Goby
- Not
a SAFE Place for My Money!
- Her
Deepness (Dr. Sylvia Earle)
- My
Easter Egg Hunt [Aplysia californica]
- My
Lucky Charms [Giant Sea Bass]
Show 2017
- Too
Deep for Me [Red Sea Star, Mediaster aequalis]
- Sharks
Are My Friends!
- Dangerous
Liaisons... Not [White Feather Hydroid]
- Gentle
Giants Need a Close Shave [Parasitic Copepods on Giant Sea Bass]
- Lightning
is Striking Again... and Again [Panamic fanged blenny]
- Grunt,
Growl and Hum... Hmmmm [Specklefin Midshipman]
- Fire
Bodies [Pyrosoma atlanticum]
- Benny
the Blenny Gets a Babe [Largemouth Blennies]
- Fish
- Farnsworth
Banks' Lace Corals [Purple Hydrocoral]
- Lock
Lips [Sheephead Mouthfighting]
- In
Memory of... [Memorial Plaques]
- Alien
- Nudis
- A
Plastic Ocean
- Bat
Ray Munching
- Bat
Ray Mating
- The
Stars Return [Sea Star Recovery]
- Ctenophores
[Comb Jellies]
- From
Us to Them [Marine Diseases]
- Playing
Catch at Pirate's Cove [Harbor Seal]
- The
Green Flush
- The
Red, White and Blue [Fish Flesh]
- A
Nudi by Any Other Name [Hermissenda opalescens]
- FisHistory,
Part I
- Orbicular
Cardinalfish [Jellyfish Lake, Palau]
- FisHistory,
Part II
- Help
Me Find My Identity [Red Spotted Starfish]
- Back
in the Daze [Diving Catalina in the 1960s and 1970s]
- The
Giant Pyrosome [Pyrosoma spinosum]
- And
You Thought Sharks Were Deadly!
- Trivia
Pursuit [Solander's Coffeebean]
- Mr.
Limpet [Kelp Limpet]
- A
True Diving Legend [Zale Parry]
- Just
a Babe... Er, Baby [Baby Giant Sea Bass]
- Horseshoe
"Worms" [Phoronids]
- Brachs
Do It Deeper [Brachiopods]
- See...
Sea Spiders [Pycnogonids]
- The
Really Big Shew! [SCUBA Show 2018]
- A
Warming Ocean [New species in the Dive Park]
- Five...
Six... Seven Gills [Sevengill Sharks]
- Diving
Farnie [Farnsworth Banks]
- Sexy
Salps [Thetys vagina]
- Devil
Fish [Manta Rays]
- Orangethroat
- Anchovy
Run in Avalon Bay
- The
Long and Winding Road to Cousteau Family Camp
- Shifting
Baselines Redux
- Between
Two Worlds [Gull Cleaning Mola mola]
- Colorless
Cnidarians [Sea Anemone Bleaching]
- They
Ain't Bass and They Ain't (All) Black [Giant Sea Bass]
- The
Slender, White or Elongate Sea Pen
- Witch's
Halloween Fish [Broomtail Grouper]
- Feather
Feet [Barnacles]
- Look
Up to the Heavens [Stargazer]
- After
A While, Crocodile [Salt Water Crocodiles]
- Herman's
Hermits [Hermit Crabs]
- Go
Crimson! [Blue Banded Gobies]
- But
Are They Energy Efficient? [Light Bulb Tunicates]
- They
Are "Stars," Too [Ophiuroids]
- Sex
Change? No Thanks [Green Sea Turtles]
- Where
Did I Put My Slippers? [Slipper Lobster]
- I
Ain't Got The Blues [Blue Rockfish]
- Peacock
- While My Guitarfish Gently Weeps (Shovelnose Guitarfish)
- A Nervous Wreck (Wrecks I have dived)
- The Glass is Deep (Glass Sponges)
- Scribbled or Scrawled (Scrawled Filefish)
- Gary at Night: Afraid of the Dark (Garibaldi)
- Don't Wither Away (White Abalone Breeding)
- An Old Dog and New (Scientific) Names
- Avalon Harbor Cleanup 2019
- Sunnyside Up [Fried Egg Jellyfish]
- Sea Cukes
- Lizardfish Buffet
- No Noodling This Catfish [Striped Catfish]
- Why I Do It
- Fending Off the Sabretooth [Fang Blennies
- The Purple Striped Sea Jelly
- Parasitism
- The Greater Soapfish
- The Lollypop Tunicate
In the following lists the columns are ordered
alphabetically by subject:
- Algae
(Why Red and Brown vs Green?)
- Algal
Color [Red Algae Do "It" Deeper]
- Alga,
Coralline Red [Xenophobia]
- Alga,
Deep Water Red Maripelta rotata [If They Can Do It... Why
Can't We?]
- Algal
Biofuels [Turning Vinegar Into Wine]
- Spaghetti
Alga... But No Sauce? [Chaetomorpha spiralis]
- Egregia
menziesii [An "Egregious: Error]
- Epiphytes
- Grasses,
- Kelp,
Bull [That's a Lot of Bull... Kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana]
- Kelp,
Deep Water [The Deep... But Without Jacqueline Bisset]
- Kelp,
- Kelp,
Giant: A Worthy Subject for a Lifetime
- Kelp,
Giant: The Mating Habits of
- Kelp,
How Kelp Helped Win "The War"
- Kelp
- Kelp
Meristems [Signs of Life]
- Kelp,
Products Made from Kelp {What Good Is Kelp Anyway?]
- Kelp
Forest, The Rise and Fall of [Warm Water Episode]
- Kelp,
- Sargassum
filicinum [An Asian Beauty... Not!]
- Sargassum
filicinum [(Sea)Weeds: "Plants Out of Place"]
- Sargassum
filicinum [See "Weeds..." And Not Much else]
- Sargassum
filicinum [Die... Die... Die, Evil Weed!]
- Sargassum
horneri (= filicinum) [Devil Weed Kills Even After
- Sargassum
horneri removal [Never Too Late?]
- Sargassum
muticum [Wireweed... Do We Have to be so Sargasstic?]
- Sargassum
palmeri [The Good "Brother"]
- Sargassum...
"OUT" In the Cold [Sargassum horneri]
- Wakame...
But In Its Place [Undaria Pinnatifida]
- Rhodoliths...
Riddle Solved!
- Dreaming
of Palm "Trees" and Sunny Beaches [Southern Sea Palm
- Zooxanthellae:
The Future of Solar?
- Sea
- Abalone
- Abalone
(As the Abalone Turns)
- Abalone,
Black... Going, Going, Gone!
- Abalone,
Green Feeding [Take a Lick... of Kelp, or Ice Cream!]
- Abalone,
Green Spawning [Abalone Smoke During... Not After]
- Abalone,
White [Filming the "Great White"]
- Abalone,
White [A "White" Christmas... for a Naughty Boy]
- Abalone
Withering Syndrome [Withering Away]
- Abalone, White Breeding (Don't Wither Away)
- Amphipod,
Caprellid or Skeleton Shrimp [A Skeleton of a "Shrimp']
- Amphipods,
Caprellid [Skeletons... But Not in the Closet]
- Anemone,
Brooding [Stop Your Brooding... Not!]
- Anemone,
- "Anemones,"
- "Anemones,"
Strawberry [The Colorful Corynactid Corallimorphs]
- Anemone,
Rose (Valentine's Day Roses I Can Afford)
- Bacteria
- Barnacles
("Feather Feet")
- Barnacles
["Feather Feet"]
- Barnacle
Bill Buffet, The [Acorn Barnacles]
- Barnacle,
Thatched [The Rodney Dangerfields of the Sea]
- Brachiopods:
Lampshells That "Light" the Deep
- Brachiopods
[Brachs Do It Deeper]
- Brittle
Star Ophiopsilla california (What are You doing Here?)
- Brittle
"Stars" [Ophiothrix spiculata]
- Brittle
Stars Spawning (Ophioderma panamense) {Love or Life?]
- Bryozoa
(High Density Development in Avalon)
- Bryozoa...
and The Proper Baseline [Bugula neritina]
- Bryozoan,
- Bryozoan,
The Staghorn
- Chaetopterus
variopedatus [A Diet of Worms]
- Chitons
- Chitons...
The Undersea Armadillos
- Clam,
Piddock [Why Don't You Clam Up?]
- Clam,
Rock Boring Piddock [A Very Boring Life!]
- Coffee
Beans... But Not from Starbucks (Solander's trivia)
- Copepods,
Parasitic on Giant Sea Bass [See... Sea Lice]
- Copepods,
Parasitic on Giant Sea Bass [Gentle Giants Need a Close Shave]
- Corals,
- Coral,
Colonial Cup [My Cup Coral Runneth Over]
- Coral,
Colonial Cup [Catalina's Coral "Reefs"]
- Cowry,
- Cowry,
- Crab,
Black-Clawed [They Get So Crabby At Night]
- Crab,
Fiddler [Just Fiddling Around, Crabby]
- Crab,
Northern Kelp {The Other Kelp Crab]
- Crab,
Pea [A "Pea" in a "Pod"]
- Crab,
- Crab,
Sheep and Sea Cucumber [The "Sheepish" Crab]
- Crab,
Sheep Mating
- Crab,
Sheep Defense [Up the Bean Stalk... er, Kelp Stipe]
- Crab,
Sheep Feeding [Munching NOT Mating- Shark Attack]
- Crab,
Sheep Males "Mating" [Oops.. Pardon Me!]
- Crab,
Sheep [Feeling Sheepish... or a Bit Crabby?]
- Crab,
Slender or Graceful
- Crab,
Southern Kelp
- Crab,
Southern Kelp [The "Christmas Crab"]
- Crab,
Southern Kelp [Munching & Mating... But at the Same Time?]
- Crab,
Southern Kelp Mating [I Want to Take You Higher]
- Crab,
Striped Shore
- Crab,
Tuna [The Invasion of the Tuna Crabs]
- Crabs,
Tuna... a Closer Look
- Crabs,
Xantus' Swimming
- Crabby,
Crabby Night
- Ctenophores
or Comb Jellies
- Ctenophores
[Comb Jellies]
- Ctenophores
[Jellies... Without the Sting]
- Ctenophore
[Venus' Girdle]
- Echinoderms
[The Spiny Skinned Critters]
- Fireworm,
- Flatworms:
Fencing Fools
- Gorgonians
or Soft Corals
- Gorgonians
[Soft Coral or Sea Fans]
- Hermit
Crabs [Herman's Hermits]
- Heteroppods
and Pteropods [Sea Elephants and Butterflies]
- Hornmouth,
- Hydrocoral,
Purple [and Farnworth Bank]
- Hydrocoral,
Purple [Farnsworth Banks' Lace Corals]
- Hydroids,
Feather- Feathers That Sting, not Tickle
- Hydroids,
Feather [Float Like a Feather, Sting Like a Bee]
- Hydroid,
White Feather [A Terrible Tingle, not a Tickle]
- Hydroid,
White Feather [Dangerous Liaisons... Not]
- Jellyfish,
- Jellyfish,
Moon ["Fly" Me to the Moon... Jellies]
- Jellyfish, The Purple Striped Sea Jelly
- Jellyfish,
- Jellyfish,
Black Sea Nettle, Chrysaora achlyos [A S(t)inging
- Jellyfish,
Solmaris [A Sea Full of Jelly... "Fish"]
- Sunnyside Up [Fried Egg Jellyfish]
- Limpet,
Giant Keyhole
- Limpet,
Giant Keyhole [Keyhole Currency]
- Limpet,
Kelp [Mr. Limpet]
- Limpets,
- Littorina
- Lobster
[Food Fit for a... Beggar]
- Lobster,
- Lobster,
Spiny ["Bugs" of a Different "Flavor"]
- Lobster
season ["Leaping Lobbies"]
- Lobster
[This Really Bugs Me]
- Mantis
- Mating
Mantis Shrimp May Get Munched
- Murex:
Leafy Hornmouth or Three-Winged Murex? {Mistaken Identity]
- Mussel,
California [Mussel Beach]
- Nautilus,
- Nautilus,
Paper [Dr. Bill and the Argonauts]
- Navanax
- Navanax
inermis [In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle]
- Navanax
[A Monster Muncher]
- Nudis
- Nudibranchs
- Nudibranchs,
Disappearing [Where Have all the "Nudis" Gone?]
- Nudibranch,
Dendronotis iris [The Rainbow Dendronotus]
- Nudibranchs,
The Horned Aeolid (Hermissenda crassicornis)
- Nudibranchs,
A Nudi by Any Other Name [Hermissenda opalescens]
- Nudibranchs,
Hudson's and the Red Tipped Dorids [Just Where is That Nudi
- Nudibranch
Hypselodoris californiensis [Hips Ala Doris]
- Nudibranch,
Lion: In the Jungle... the Lion Sleeps
- Nudibranch,
Lion [Hunting Lions in the Hood, Melibe leonina]
- Nudibranch
Peltodoris mullineri [The Munchability of Mullineri]
- Nudibranch
Peltodoris mullineri [Pelt-o-Doris]
- Nudibraqnch,
Peltodoris Mullineri [Rarity]
- Nudibranch,
Peltodoris nobilis [The Noble (not Nobel) Dorid]
- Nudibranch,
Spanish shawl [Nothing Could be Finer than a Little Flabellina]
- Octopus
- Octopus
"in flight" [Air Octo]
- Octopus
Digging, CAUTION- Construction Zone
- Octopus
Eating Crab [Crab Cocktail... Without the Sauce!]
- Octopus
Mating (Eight Arms to Hold You)
- Octopus
Mating [Mate Selection]
- Octopus
Mating [Mother's Day Magic]
- Octopus
Mating [Eight Arms to Hold You ]
- Octopus
Nest [Eggs... Ceptional!]
- Octopus,
Two Spot Capturing Blacksmith [Eight Arms to Hold (And Eat) You ]
- Octopus,
Two Spot and GoPro [A Submarine "Selfie"]
- Ophiuroids
[They are "Stars," Too]
- Oyster,
Winged Pearl... Invasive, or Not?
- Oyster,
Winged Pearl [Diamonds and Pearls]
- Phoronids
- Phoronids
[Horseshoe "Worms"]
- Porpita
porpita [The "Blue Button"]
- Purple
Olive Snail (Soft Bottoms and Purple Olives)
- Pycnogonids
[See... Sea Spiders]
- Salp
Cyclosalpa affinis [Must be Your Relative!]
- Salp,
Fire or Pyrosome [Fire Bodies... in the Water??]
- Salp,
Fire [Pyrosoma atlanticum, Invasion of the Fire Salps]
- Salp,
Fire [Fire Bodies]
- Salp,
Fire [The Giant Pyrosome Pyrosoma spinosum]
- Salps,
Invasion of the
- Salps,
Sexy [Thetys vagina]
- Sand
Dollars (For a Few Dollars More)
- Scallop
Stumps Scripps Scientists
- Sea
Anemone Bleaching [Colorless Cnidarians]
- Sea
Anemone Bunodeopsis [Another Warm Water Critter in Our
- Sea
Cucumber Holothuria zacae [Warm Water Wussies]
- Sea
Cucumber Holothuria zacae [Follow Your Bliss]
- Sea
Cucumber, Warty (Namako: Do You Prefer it Raw or Pickled?)
- Sea
Cucumber, The Crevice
- Sea
Cucumber Eviscertaing [Now That's Using Your Noodle]
- Sea
Cucumber, White [Anchors Away]
- Sea
Cucumber, Light Sensitive [What Turns You On?]
- Sea
Cucumber, Light Sensitive [Such Sensitive and Mysrerious
- Sea Cukes
- Sea
Hares, California ("Beach Bunnies")
- Sea
Hare, California [Toxic Clouds in the Sea]
- Sea
Hares, Black (Cwazy Wabbits)
- Sea
Hare, California [The Easter Hare... Er, Bunny]
- Sea
Hare, California: My Easter Egg Hunt [Aplysia californica]
- Sea
Fan Grotto- An Underwater Arts Festival
- Sea
- Sea
Pansies [A Valentine's Pansy?]
- Sea
Pen, White (The PEN is Mightier than the SWORD)
- Sea
Pen, The Slender, White or Elongate
- Sea
Slug, California (Hey Sluggo... Dr. Bill Here!)
- Shrimp
of an Abalone, A
- Shrimp,
Pistol: "Crack" Shots
- Siphonophore,
The "Frayed Rope" (Apolemia)
- Siphonophore
Apolemia [The Barbed Wire "Jellyfish]
- Siphonophore,
The Hula Skirt Physophora hydrostatica [Dancing in a Hula
- Siphonophore,
Praya [Say a Little "Praya" for Me!]
- Siphonophore,
Unnamed [The Little "Stinkers..." er, Stingers]
- Snail
Eggs [Fried, Scrambled or Poached?]
- Snail
Eggs, Unidentified [S'Not What You Think It Is]
- Snail,
Kelp [A Commoner... The Kelp Snail]
- Snail,
The Moon
- Snail,
Wavy Top
- Snail,
Wavy Top [Mating and Munching of the Giant Escargot]
- Snail,
Yellow Umbrella (Nothing Could be Fina' Than Tylodina fungina)
- Spirorbis
[It's the Little Things in Life!]
- Sponge,
Aggregated Nipple [Nibbled Nipples]
- Sponge,
Orange Puffball
- Sponge,
- The Glass is Deep (Glass Sponges)
- Squid,
Market (Calimari Concupiscence, Part I)
- Squid,
Market (Calimari Concupiscence, Part II)
- Squid,
Market [In the Market... for Squid]
- Squid,
Market Eggs [Little Squidlies]
- Squid,
Market Run [Mating Orgies... and Woes]
- Squid,
Market Run Part I [A White Christmas!]
- Squid,
Market Run, Part II [Caught in a Snow Storm]
- Squid,
Market Run, Part III [Mating]
- Squid,
Market Run, Part IV [Munching... and being Munched]
- Squid,
Humboldt [A Different Kind of "Jaws"]
- Starfish,
Baby [Are The Stars Out Today?]
- Star,
Basket [All In One Basket]
- Star,
Spiny Sand [With Spines... or Without Spines?]
- Starfish,
Bat ('Tis the Season of the [Bat] Star!)
- Starfish,
Bat [Acro-Bat Star-ics]
- Starfish,
Bat Courtship
- Starfish,
Blood [A Barely Bloody Star]
- Starfish,
Fragile Rainbow
- Starfish,
Knobby or Giant Spined
- Starfish,
Leather [Starry, Starry Day]
- Starfish,
- Starfish,
Red (Mediaster aequalis) [Too Deep for me]
- Starfish,
Red Spotted
- Starfish,
Red Spotted [Help Me Find My Identity]
- Starfish,
- Star,
Spiny Sand
- Starfish,
- Starfish,
- Starfish
Wasting Disease [Wasting Away]
- The
Stars Return [Sea star recovery]
- Trivia
Pursuit [Solander's Coffeebean]
- Tunicate,
Light Bulb [But Are They Energy Efficient?]
- Tunicate,
Stalked [Styela montereyensis, Our Long Lost Relative]
- Whelk,
- Urchin
Disease, Bald Sea [Prematurely Bald]
- Urchin,
Black [Is There an Urchin Doctor in the House?]
- Urchin,
Heart [Have a Heart... Urchin]
- Urchins,
- Urchins,
Sea [A Sticky Subject: Sea Urchins; the White Urchin Lytechinus
- Urchin,
Purple DNA [Descended from Urchins?]
- Urchin,
Slate Pencil
- Velella
velella [Sailor "Home" from the Sea]
- Velella
velella [By-the-Wind Sailor Home from the Sea]
- Whelk,
Kellet's [Orgy... At a Snail's Pace]
- Whelk,
Kellet Mating [A Mother's Day Orgy]
- Worms,
Christmas Tree: 'Tis the Season... Not
- Worm,
Myxicola or Coca Cola?
- Worms,
Polychaetes Spawning [In the Dark About Mating]
- Worms
Swim Up... The Worms Swim Down [Nereis vexillosa spawning]
- Worms,
Spaghetti... A Sticky Subject!
- Worms
Spawning [They Take Their Chances... and Roll the Dice]
- Worm,
- Zoanthids,
- Zoanthid,
Epizoanthus giveni [Scientific Names Can Be
- Zoanthid
Parazoanthus lucificum [Mass Murder in the Dive Park]
- Anchovy
Run in Avalon Bay
- Barracuda,
- Barracuda,
Pacific or California
- Barracuda
- Bass,
Kelp or Calico
- Bass,
Barred Sand... Barred from What?
- Sea
Bass, Giant
- Sea
Bass, Giant [Please Don't Harrass the Bass!]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [Keep It Clean]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [Gentle Giants... Let Them Be]
- Sea
Bass, Giant at Night [Almost Skunked]
- Sea
Bass, Injured Giant [WOW... That's Some Owie!]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [Making the GSB TV Stars... in Japan]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [The Bass Didn't Perform]
- Sea
Bass, Aging Giant ["Bombs" and Basses]
- Sea
Bass, Giant {The "Bass" Are Back]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [The Gentle Giants Return]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [The Big Ones are Back]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [My Lucky Charms]
- Sea
Bass, Giant Babies [Just a Babe... Er, Baby]
- Sea
Bass, Giant [They Ain't Bass and They Ain't (All) Black
- Blacksmith
- Blacksmith
Don't Get No Respect
- Blacksmith
and Plankton [Billion and Billions... Munched]
- Blenny,
Largemouth [Benny the Blenny Bites]
- Blenny,
Largemouth [Benny the Blenny Gets a Babe]
- Blenny,
Panamic Fanged [Lightning is Striking Again... and Again]
- Bonito
["School" is Back in Session]
- Butterflyfish
- Butterflyfish,
- Butterfly
(Fish) are Free [Scythe Butterflyfish]
- Butterflyfish,
Scythe [Float Like a Butterfly(fish)]
- Butterflyfish,
Scythe ["Butterflies..." But Not in My Tummy]
- Cabezon
- Cabezon
[Return of the "Big Head"]
- Cabezon
[The "Big Head"]
- Cabezon
Guarding Nest [Big Head: The Man of the "House"]
- Cabezon
and Nest [The "Big Head" is Back]
- Cardinalfish,
- Cardinalfish,
Guadalupe [I Must be Color Blind!]
- Cardinalfish,
Guadalupe [Who Needs the Tropics?]
- Cardinalfish
[Plain... or Guadalupe?]
- Chilipepper
[Something "Hot" from the Cold Depths]
- Combfish,
The Shgortspined
- Cornetfish,
Reef [Musically Inclined? Not Me!]
- Croaker,
Black: Out to Make an Impression!
- Croaker,
Black [A Fish Went a Croaking... Er, Courting]
- Croaker,
The Spotfin
- Damsel,
Whitetail [Some "Exotics" Are Welcome]
- Damsel,
Whitetail or Whitetail Gregory [Lonely... Again?]
- Fish
Farts [Holy Mackerel, Batman... Fish Farts]
- Fish
- Flatfish
- Flatfish
Evolution [Fascinating "Flounder"]
- Flying
- Flying
Fish [Move Over, Blanche... You've Got Company]
- Fringehead,
Sarcastic [Don't Be So Sarcastic... Fringehead!]
- Garibaldi
Mating [Gary... and his Ladies]
- Garibaldi
- Garibaldi
Nests [Your True Colors, Gary?]
- Gary
Baldi Does "It" Again
- Garibaldi
Mating [Gary Does "The Wild Thing," Part I ]
- Garibaldi
Mating [Gary Does "The Wild Thing," Part II ]
- Garibaldi
Babies [Pretty "Babes" All in a Row]
- Garibaldi
[The Return of Gary Garibaldi]
- Garibaldi
Nests [The Nesting Instinct]
- Gary at Night: Afraid of the Dark (Garibaldi)
- Gobies,
The Sex Life of
- Goby,
Zebra Goby
- Goby,
- Goby,
Blue Banded: Not Quite Red, White and Blue
- Goby,
Blue-Banded: A Fish That's Almost Patriotic
- Goby,
Blue-Banded [Go Crimson!]
- Greenlings,
Painted ... Nature's Artists at Work
- Grouper,
Broomtail [Witch's Halloween Fish]
- Grouper,
Star Studded [A Star-Studded Event?]
- Run,
Grunion, Run!
- Guitarfish, Shovelnose (While My Guitarfish Gently Weeps)
- Halibut,
California [Just for the Halibut]
- Halibut,
California [The "Barn Door" Halibut]
- Halibut,
Pacific [The "Real" Halibut]
- Halfmoon
- Halfmoon
[The "Catalina Blue Perch"]
- Kelpfish,
- Kelpfish,
Giant [A Giant... Among the Clinids]
- Kelpfish,
Giant [In Winter a Fish's Fancy Turns To...]
- Kelpfish,
Giant [The Kelpfish Kiddies]
- Kelpfish,
Giant [A Giant Among Kelpfish]
- Kelpfish,
- Kelpfish,
Spotted [Have You Spotted... the Spotted Kelpfish?]
- Lingcod
(Not Your Lucy Liu Ling)
- Mackerel,
- Mackerel,
Jack [Holy Mackerel, Batman... Fish Farts]
- Mackerel,
Jack [When Is a Mackerel Not a Mackerel?]
- Midshipman,
Specklefin [Grunt, Growl and Hum... Hmmm]
- Mola
- Mola
mola Cleaned by Halfmoon and Gull [Take It to the Cleaners]
- Mola
mola, Muched
- Mola
mola and Sea Lions [Nature... Kind?]
- Mola
mola cleaned by Heerman's Gull [Betyween Two Worlds]
- Mola,
Slender [Ranzania from Tasmania? Or Tanzania?]
- Moray
- Moray
Eel [Tyrannosaurus Morayensis!]
- Moray
Eel [Blind as Amore.... er, A Moray]
- Moray,
California [All Munching, No Mating]
- Oarfish
[Paddlers Find Their Oar]
- Opaleye
- Perch,
- Perch,
Black ["Black is Black..." But Not Usually]
- Perch
Porn [Kelp Surfperch and Black Perch Courtship]
- Pikeblenny,
Orangethroat (What Turns You On?)
- Pikeblenny,
Orangethroat (A Courting We Will Go... Crazy!)
- Pikeblenny,
- Pilotfish
- Pipefish
[A Pipe(fish) Dream]
- Pipefish:
A First (For Me) in the Dive Park
- Remoras
or Sharksuckers [The Sharksucker Family]
- Rock
- Rock
Wrasse Mating Swarm: Up in a Cloud of "Smoke"
- Rockfish,
Blue [I Ain't Got The Blues]
- Rockfish,
Copper [Copper Clappers... and Rockfish]
- Rockfish,
- Rockfish,
- Rockfish,
Kelp [A Courtin' We Will Go]
- Rockfish,
Kelp [King Neptune's "Couch" Potatoes]
- Rockfish,
Rosy (Rosy the Rockfish)
- Sargo
- Sargo,
The "Sargastic"
- Scorpionfish,
California or Spotted [Sting of the Scorpion(fish)]
- Scorpionfish,
Rainbow (Like a Rainbow... Scorpionfish)
- Scorpionfish
- Sea
Bass, White [A Pretty "Cheeky" Fish]
- Salema
- Salema:
Night and Day
- Sardine,
Pacific ... Canned? Or in Pigs and Chicken?
- Seaperch,
The Rubberlip
- Sea
Chubs [Hey, Chubby!]
- Seahorse.
Pacific [See... a Sea Horse!]
- Seahorse,
Pacific [See... Another Sea Horse!]
- Señorita
- Señorita
Cleaning [Take It to the Cleaners]
- Sheephead
- Sheephead,
A Not-So-Sheepish
- Sheephead
in the Skies
- Sheephead,
Male [Oscar: Not One, But Four?]
- Sheephead
Mouthfighting [Lock Lips]
- Snipefish,
Longspine [A Very Unusual Snipe Hunt]
- Surfperch,
Kelp [The Cryptically Colored "Kelpie"]
- Surfperch,
- Surfperch,
Shiner [A Perch I Could Really Take a Shine To]
- Surfperch,
Walleye [Walleye the Bug-Eyed Surfperch]
- Tarpon
[Silver Streaks that go Bump in the Night]
- Topsmelt
- Treefish,
The Boring
- Treefish
[Up a Tree... Fish!]
- Triggerfish,
- Triggerfish,
Finescale [Don't Get Trigger Happy]
- Whitefish,
- Whitefish,
Ocean [Not at My Mom's Dinner Table!]
- Whitefish,
Ocean [The Catalina Tile... fish]
- Wolf
Eel [The Big "Bad" Wolf... Eel]
- Wolf
Eel [The Big Not-So-Bad Wolf]
- Yellowtail...
- Yellowtail
(Look Who's Munching Now!)
- Yellowtail
[Yellowtail Turned Tail?]
- Zebra
Perch (An "African Safari" Here at Home?)
- Zebra
Perch [Zebra... Perch... Chub]
- Guitarfish,
- Guitarfish,
Shovelnose Revisited
- Ray,
- Ray,
Blind as a Bat
- Ray,
Mating Bat (Something in the Way She Moves)
- Ray,
Bat [Bat Ray "Season"]
- Ray,
Bat [Bat Ray Season #2]
- Ray,
Bat Mating
- Ray,
Bat Munching
- Rays,
- Ray,
Pacific Electric or Torpedo
- Ray,
Torpedo [It's Shocking, It's Electrifying]
- Sharks,
Killing [It Starts at the Top]
- Sharks
Are My Friends!
- Shark
Migration [Sharks on the "Run"]
- Shark,
An Angel of a
- Shark,
Blue (The Blues... Part One)
- Shark
Blue (The Blues... Part Two
- Shark,
Great White
- Shark,
Great White Diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 1
- Shark,
Great White Diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 2
- Shark,
Great White Diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 3
- Shark,
Great White [A Great White Birthday]
- Shark,
- Shark,
Horn [Be Not Afraid]
- Shark,
Horn [Shark "Attack"]
- Shark,
- Shark,
Leopard [Leopards Don't Scare Me... or You!]
- Shark,
Sevengill [Five... Six... Seven Gills]
- Shark,
Shortfin Mako [Shark and Awe]
- Sharks,
Tiger Eating Terrestrial Birds [Dinner Delicacies... Off Menu]
- Shark
Tooth Diving [Venice, Florida... Quite a Mouthful!]
- Shark,
- Shark,
Whale [A Whale... of a Shark, Georgia Aquarium]
- Shark,
Whale Finned [Not My Cup of Tea... Er, Soup]
- Shark,
What a "Swell"
- Sharks
and the Bees, The
- Sharks...
What, Me Worry?
- Sharks
[And You Thought Sharks Were Deadly!]
- Stingray,
- Stingray,
Round [A Round and A Round and Another Round...]
- Stingray,
Round [Sink Your Teeth Into This One]
- Thornback...
A Day of Firsts!
- Thornback
[A Thorny Subject]
- Thornback
[A Thorny Topic]
- Dolphin,
- Dolphin,
- Manatees
[Mermaid or Wo-Manatee]
- Sea
Lion, California
- Sea
Lion, California (Other Intelligent Life on Planet Earth)
- Seals
and Sea Lions [Is It a Seal... ion?]
- Seal,
- Seal,
Harbor [A Snoozin' Seal]
- Seals,
Harbor and The Children's Pool
- Seal,
Harbor [Playing Catch at Pirate's Cove]
- Seal,
Northern Elephant
- Seal,
Northern Elephant [That's a LOT of "Bull"]
- Seal,
Northern Elephant Seal [That's a LOT of Bull]
- Seal,
Northern Elephant [That's a Lot of Blubber!]
- Seal,
Northern Elephant Back from the Brink
- Seal,
Northern Elephant: Go Your Own Way, I'll Go Mine
- Seal,
Northern Elephant: Mating... But No Munching!
- Whale,
- Whale,
- Whale,
Humpbacks- Songsters of the Sea
- Whale,
- Alligator
[See Ya Later, Alligator]
- Anhinga
[The Water Turkey]
- Cormorants
- Cormorants:
Birds That Swim, Fish That Fly
- Cormorants,
Brandt's [A Cormorant Convention]
- Cormorants
[Birds That Swim, Fish That Fly]
- Eagle,
Bald [Bald Eagle... Almost a Turkey!]
- Egret,
Cattle [Make That a Big Mac... But Hold the Fries]
- Egret,
Great [The Great (R)egret]
- Heron,
Black Crowned Night [What's All The Squawk About?]
- Heron,
Green [The Green... Heron]
- Peacock
[Proud as a Peacock]
- Pelican,
Brown [A Problem with the "Pterodactyls"]
- Sea
Gulls... Rats of the Sea
- Turtle,
Green [Would You Like Yours Black... or Green?]
- Turtle,
Hawksbill- Belize Me
- Turtle,
At Loggerheads... Not!
- Turtle,
Green [Green Turtles... in Hot Water]
- Turtle
- Banded
Sea Krait [Sea Snakes]
- Sex
Change? No Thanks [Green Sea Turtles]
- After
A While, Crocodile [Salt Water Crocodiles]
- Cleaning
- Daughter
of the Wind, Part I (Cousteau's Alcyone)
- Daughter
of the Wind, Part II (Cousteau's Alcyone)
- Sex
in the Underwater World
- In
Hot Water
- Invasive
- Invasive
Species [Homogenized? No Thanks!]
- Plankton
- Marine
Life Protection Act (MLPA) and MPA's
- Biogeography
- Food
Chains and Webs
- The
Eco-Evolutionary Spiral
- Healthy
Seafood Choices
- Cruising
for a Bruising?
- Murphy's
- Why
I'm Not Against Fishing
- My
Hypothesis on Poor Vis and Great Whites
- Munching
and Mating Part I: Bat Rays Feeding
- Munching
and Mating Part II: Giant Kelpfish Mating
- Poor
- Where's
the Lettuce?: Temperate and Tropical Food Chains
- What's
in a Name?
- Cities
Under the Sea
- Ecological
- Why
- First
the Tide Rushes In
- Carnage
at the Casino: Kelp Bass hit Jack Mackerel
- A
Solution to Abalone Poaching
- Shifting
- Marine
- Urchin
- Baby
- Plumes
and Blooms (Phytoplankton in Winter)
- A
Little Disturbed, Are We? (ecological disturbance)
- Got
the Itch? Scratch It! (giant kelpfish parasites)
- You
Think Your Sex Life is Strange?
- Irrefutable
Proof Marine "Reserves" Work
- Written
in Stone (Yellowtail Point)
- A
Jelly "Fish" by any Other Name (Chrysaora colorata)
- Holder,
Charles Frederick
- Shooting
Sea Lions In(to) a Barrel (Oil and the Marine Environment)
- Mating
Can Be Deadly
- Take
Only Pictures
- Light
the Way... Please
- Cousteau
on Catalina
- Politically
Incorrect [Common Names]
- What
Constitutes a Predator?
- Weirdo
- Mapping
- Wakame...
But In Its Place [Undaria Pinnatifida]
- Anchors
Away [Anchor Damage to Rocky Reefs]
- Our
Meals... and Fish Meals
- SoCal
and Catalina MPA's, Part 1
- SoCal
and Catalina MPA's, Part II
- Deep
- You
Old Fossil! [Helicoplacus]
- Proving
We are "the Stuff" [Stellar Nucleosynthesis]
- Algal
Biofuels [Turning Vinegar Into Wine]
- One
Critter's Trash is Another Critter's Home
- The
Infidel's Ghastly Ghost Net
- Why
We Need Marine Reserves, Part I: Baselines
- Why
We Need Marine Reserves, Part II: Successes
- Why
We Need Marine Reserves, Part III: Design Criteria
- Boldly
Go Where... (The Roddenberry Dive Team)
- Plankton,
Part 1: You'd Better Sweat The Small Stuff!
- Plankton
Part 2: Take Me Away to Where I'm Going [Meroplanktonic larvae]
- Carnage
at the Casino Redux [Kelp bass and morays hunting blacksmith]
- I
Can't Believe I Tried to Eat the Whole Thing [Kelp Bass Munching
on Blacksmith]
- Tragedy
of the Common
- The
MLPA's "Integrated Preferred Alternative" Map
- It's
All in the Genes [DNA testing of fish]
- Whale
Wars... and the Eating of Flesh
- 29th
Avalon Harbor Cleanup
- Urchin
- Oil
Spills... Repeating the Past
- The
"Shadow" Knows [fish shadowing other fish]
- The
Un-Whole Water Planet [Marine Issues]
- Cousteau
Family Camp
- Is
It a "Buoy" or a "Gull" [determining gender]
- Don't
Bend, Fold, Staple or Mutilate [Early Computer Research]
- Finicky
Eaters and Food Webs
- The
Smile [The Universe as One]
- A
Gift... But Not What I Hoped For [SoCal MPAs]
- My
Holiday Gift to You [Munching & Mating Cable TV Show]
- Dr.
Eugenie Clark [Out of the "Haze"]
- Mmmm,
Mmmm... NOT Good! [California Assembly Bill 376 Banning Shark Fin
- Aquaculture
[Down on the Farm... Down Under]
- The
Star Thrower
- Death
by Domoic Acid? [Sea Lion Mortality]
- Hey...
Bird Brain [Pelicans and Cormorants Stealing Anglers' Fish]
- Jean-Michel
Cousteau and the Cousteau Family Camp [The Wonder of a "Child"]
- Kelp
Rafting as a Dispersal Agent [Drift Away]
- Nature...
Kind? [Sea Lions and Mola mola]
- Baitfish
- Drugging
the Deep [Pharmaceuticals in the Ocean]
- Out
and About... [Filming for Roger Martin]
- Hard
Science... Hard to Swallow for Some
- Cousteau
Family Camp 2012
- Sea
- Fish
- Not
All "Jellies" Sting
- Marquee
Species and the "Commoners"
- Baffling
Biodiversity [Tropical Biodiversity]
- RIP:
Bob Meistrell, A Legend
- Photo
Taxes... or Phototaxis?
- Kelp
Bass and Morays [Battle of the Beasts]
- I
Didn't Make the Rules [Kayaks in the Dive Park]
- DO
Feed the Animals
- Munching...
and Defending Your Life [Octopus and Southern Kelp Crab]
- Too
Much Hoop-Te-Do [ Lobster and Hoop Nets]
- Starfish
Wasting Disease [Wasting Away]
- Got
Milk? Why, No! [Obtaining Calcium in the Ocean]
- In
the Mood... for Valentine's Day
- Cousteau
Family Camp, 2014
- A
Real Example of Biodiversity
- Sargassum
Cascade, Part I
- Sargassum
Cascade, Part II
- The
- The
Mutual Eating Society [Food Chains and Webs]
- Poisons
Make Bad Neighbors [Sargassum horneri Allelopathy]
- Making
Babies! [Fish Babies]
- Eco-Catastrophe
Part One: The Algae
- Eco-Catastrophe
Part Two: The Herbivores
- Eco-Catastrophe
Part Three: The Predators
- No
Starry Night [Starfish Wasting Disease]
- You
Old Fossil, You!
- Spawn
of Satan [Impact of Sargassum horneri on invertebrate
- Baitfish
Bye Bye?
- El
Niño... Yes and "No"
- Vicious
Beasts [Nudibranch Predators]
- Death
by Starvation? [Dead Molluscs]
- Don't
Take My Breath Away [Respiration]
- Night
and Day: You Are The "One" [Night Colors]
- Fish
- Clean
Up Your Act [Cleaning Symbiosis]
- We
Have Pavilions... But Not Vons [Doug Aitken Pavilions]
- Marine
- The
Pavilions Ecosystem
- Like
a Virgin... Dove for the Very First Time
- In
Memory of... [Memorial Plaques]
- Alien
- A
Plastic Ocean
- Marine
Diseases [From Us to Them]
- Fish
Flesh [The Red, White and Blue]
- FisHistory,
Part I
- FisHistory,
Part 2
- A
Warming Ocean [New Species in the Dive Park]
- The
Long and Winding Road to Cousteau Family Camp
- Shifting
Baselines Redux
- An Old Dog and New (Scientific) Names
- The
- Pisces,
Wreck of the
- Complacency
Can Kill
- Underwater
- Are
You Re-Certifiable?
- Why
"Dive Dry with Dr. Bill?"
- Good
Dives with Good Relations
- But
It's So Dark Down There!
- 60
Feet Under (Not 6 Feet!)
- A
Wet T-Shirt, Jacqueline Bisset and The Deep [Deep Diving]
- Farnsworth
Bank and the Purple Hydrocoral
- Dive
Your Plan
- Draining
the Dive Park to Save Avalon
Recompression/Decompression Chamber [Beam Me Up, Scottie... er,
- Narcosis
[Narc'ed? Ge I Hope Not!]
- My
New Dive Buddy
- Tying
the Knot... Down Under [Underwater wedding]
- Do's
and Don'ts in the Dive Park [Dive Park Etiquette]
- The
Infidel's Ghastly Ghost Net
- The
- Working
on My Night Moves [Night Dive]
- Wreck
Alley, Part I: A "Nervous" Wreck
- Wreck
Alley, Part II: Way Up North- The Yukon
- Diving
D'Yellow Boat
- Dive
Accidents and Speculation
- Sea
- The
"SCUBA Police" [unexploded ordinance closes the dive
- Chamber
Day and Evening [The "SCUBA Prom"]
- The
- Expedition
Catalina [Truly Diving Dry with Dr. Bill... and Deep!]
- Expedition
Catalina [A ROV'ing We Will Go!]
- What
Did ROV See?
- Catch
a Wave... Not! [Tsunamis]
- Diving
the Seven Continents [Pass the "Plate"]
- California
SCUBA Service Award (2011)
- Long
Beach SCUBA Show [On with the Show, Part I]
- Long
Beach SCUBA Show [On with the Show, Part II]
- Sea
Trek Monitoring [Trekkers... In Another Dimension]
- Diving
the Oil Rigs [My Date with Ellen!]
- Safe
in the Dive Park [Just How "Safe" is Your Money?]
- 50
Years... And I Still Don't Have it Down Pat!
- The
REALLY Big Show [SCUBA Show 2012]
- Where
are They Today? In the Drink! [Diving with Former Students]
- Spectacular
Night in the Park [Night Dive]
DAWG Days at Casino Point
- The
Valiant and Prohibition
- Mating
is Dangerous... Just Say NO! [Kelp Bass Takes Spawning Worm]
- How
About a Little Perspective? [Scientific Disciplines]
- No
Words are Adequate [Memorial Tribute to Tim Mitchell and Bruce
- We
"Trashed" Our Dive [2015 Avalon Harbor Underwater
Show 2015
- In
Memoriam: Packy Offield
- The
Star Thrower
- Geezer
Gas [Nitrox]
Show 2016
- Dreams
Can Come True, Part I [Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World]
- Dreams
Can Come True, Part II [Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World]
- Avalon
Harbor Cleanup 2017
- The
Pisces [wreck]
- Longbone
Disease [Dysbaric Osteonecrosis]
- Not
a SAFE Place for My Money!
- Her
Deepness (Dr. Sylvia Earle)
Show 2017
- The
Green Flush
- Back
in the Daze [Diving Catalina in the 1960s and 1970s]
- A
True Diving Legend [Zale Parry]
- The
Really Big Shew! [SCUBA Show 2018]
- Diving
Farnie [Farnsworth Banks]
- A Nervous Wreck (Wrecks I have dived)
- Avalon Harbor Cleanup 2019
- Why I Do It
- Fending Off the Sabretooth [Fang Blennies
- Parasitism
- California Channel Islands
- The Dutch Antilles (Bonaire
and Aruba)
- Sea of Cortez and Other
- The
Sea of Cortez Revisited, Part I
- The
Sea of Cortez Revisited, Part II
- Isla
Santa Catalina, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Starfish,
Crown-of-Thorns (Baja)
- Balloonfish
- Great
white shark diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 1
- Great
white shark diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 2
- Great
white shark diving, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico Part 3
- Florida and the Caribbean
This web page last updated March 5, 2019 (web
site usually updated on a bi-weekly basis)
document maintained by Dr.
Bill Bushing. Material © 2003-2019 Star Thrower
Educational Multimedia