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Principals Dr. Bill Bushing
Dr. Bill Bushing offers a clear vision for his
clients © 2001-11 Dr. Bill Bushing
When I was in high school, my principals used to say "there's only
room for one of us in this school, Bill." I guess that's why we had three
different principals in four years... only I remained constant! Of course back
then I wasn't Dr. Bill, just Bill. So, Star Thrower Educational Multimedia
(STEM) has only one principal, too. Who wants to share the glory and
pain of this consulting enterprise? Besides, if there were other principals (or
even employees), I couldn't work at my computer in my bathrobe with my early
morning (11:45AM) cup of coffee by my side. Besides, I'd have to share any
revenue generated and it's unlikely that my partners would possess my genius
and be as productive!
However, to ensure my clients receive the very
best product their paltry budgets can buy, I do work with various partners who
possess greater proficiency at certain skills than is available in-house. Of
course I don't tell you who these strategic partners are because then you might
go directly to them and cut me out completely. We wouldn't want that to happen
now, would we? Remember, I grew up in Chicago where there were lots of black
Cadillac limousines carrying my "friends" to school every day (along with their
machine gun-toting bodyguards), and I was a classmate of Vice President Al Gore
at Harvard (who probably wouldn't recognize me from a scarecrow... unless that
scarecrow were Al himself and even then I'm not too sure). Suffice it to say I
have casual acquaintances in high places.
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